My darling daughter, it is I, the Lord Jesus that speaks to you this day and I'm using you as a vessel in which to speak through. Write these words for they are true and faithful. Yea, I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Children, I want you to know that you will not be left here when destruction begins. For much terror, much destruction is coming at any moment. It will not stop. It will get worse and worse. Blow after blow will hit the earth. The tribulation will begin, but I will not allow My bride to suffer anguish and sorrow, sadness, or gloom. She will not be left here to experience any of this. I tell you, nay, you will not endure any of this. For I will take you Home with Me and we will be Wed. And you will be with Me when I return back to earth for the Second Coming and as My foot touches Mount Olives. So for now My children, prepare your hearts in prayer mightily for people that you know and love that have not accepted Me, for their lives have to endure what is coming. For the earth even now swaggers to and fro like a drunkard. Much sorrow is coming. Hang on to Me dear children, I will take you up just as it all begins. Your Savior, your True Love, it is I Jesus.
My darling daughter, it is I, the Lord Jesus that speaks to you this day and I'm using you as a vessel in which to speak through. Write these words for they are true and faithful. Yea, I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Children, I want you to know that you will not be left here when destruction begins. For much terror, much destruction is coming at any moment. It will not stop. It will get worse and worse. Blow after blow will hit the earth. The tribulation will begin, but I will not allow My bride to suffer anguish and sorrow, sadness, or gloom. She will not be left here to experience any of this. I tell you, nay, you will not endure any of this. For I will take you Home with Me and we will be Wed. And you will be with Me when I return back to earth for the Second Coming and as My foot touches Mount Olives. So for now My children, prepare your hearts in prayer mightily for people that you know and love that have not accepted Me, for their lives have to endure what is coming. For the earth even now swaggers to and fro like a drunkard. Much sorrow is coming. Hang on to Me dear children, I will take you up just as it all begins. Your Savior, your True Love, it is I Jesus.
My daughter, I am the LORD Jesus who speaks to you this day, and I am using you as a vessel in which to speak through. Write these words for they are true and faithful. Yeah, I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. My darling children, I hear your cries and have seen your tears. I am watching over you as a mother hen watches over her chicks. And I am surrounding you with a wall of fire of protection as you keep fire within you burning strong. I am here and not a far off god. My arm is not shortened that it cannot pluck you up at the moment of taking you home. Wherever you are at that time will not hinder your release from this world. Continue in prayer and fasting for the lost until the very moment I take you home. I'm so very proud of you, those of you that are keeping busy and blessing others as they are able. For when your focus is on Me and blessing others, your time of waiting will seem short. My hearts desire is for all My children to bring home as many lost souls, home with them as they are able. For when you bless others, you heap blessings upon yourself. Continue to look up, My Bride, for your hour of deliverance from a dying world is imminent. The time appointed is set, and it will be as a snare upon the world who have chosen the wide path. Blessings and honor, glory and power are in My house. Know this, I come at an hour you think not, and I say again, it is here. I love you with an everlasting love that will never fade away. Hang on tight to Me, for you will be with me any moment now. Remember Lot's wife. Do not look back. Keep your eyes on Me, your first Love, Jesus.
Sweatheart, hear these words of Mine from My heart to your heart. Everything you have heard from Me is about to come to pass. I have everything in My control. Time is in My hands. You do not understand but soon will. Your part is to trust Me and follow where I lead. I am eager to see you more than you are to see Me. This will soon become reality. Your destiny draws ever so close. Hang on tight My bride, hang on tight. Hang on tight to Me with everything you have. I am the only one who is worth hanging on to. I am the Pearl of great value. Treasure Me above all else. I am coming! I will come and rescue you. Come My bride, come into My arms of protection and comfort. You will soon see many changes around you. More earthquakes, more rumors and threats of war, and more evil will come to light. Do not be afraid. I am protecting those who are Mine. Those who are affected will receive more wake up calls. My bride is under My protection and favor. Come My loves, come to the wedding feast. Come before the door will shut. No one will want to be left out. Come! Spirit and the bride say "Come!" I desire all to come to My wedding feast. Many are called, few are chosen. Be a chosen bride. Put aside your cares and lay them at My feet. The time has come. My bride, be ready. Your Groom, Yashua, Jesus Christ Godshealer7 Message - EVEN NOW THOSE OF THE SPIRIT CAN FEEL THE BIRTH PAINS OF MY JUDGMENT1/22/2018
Speak now son of man, speak in the Spirit for the Truth shall not tarry any longer. What do you see? (brother Dan replies) "I see total devastation all around. The landscape is without shape or form, just ash. There is the stench of death. It is suffocating, it is overpowering." (The Lord continues)... "Even now those of the Spirit can feel the birth pains of My judgment. This shall be the Time of Jacob's troubles. Oh Babylon, you have turned away from Me. I have blessed you abundantly and you have prospered. Your wickedness knows no bounds. I hear the cries of the oppressed, and justice shall be done. I shall fortify your enemies this day, and shall not incline My ear. For judgment is Mine alone. Jeremiah 30:7 King James Version (KJV) Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.
My daughter, it is I the LORD Jesus who speaks to you this day. Write these words for they are true and faithful. Yeah, I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. My children, I have heard your cries and I have seen your tears. I see the cross that each of you carry and I AM with you every step of the way. I AM there with you when you think you cannot take another moment on earth and I have been moving obstacles out of your way, to make your paths straight. The end is in sight, and your time of departure is finally here. You have done well. You have kept the faith, you have included Me in your life, and soon you will see all that I have prepared for your arrival. My Holy angels are excited and are ready to bring you home to me. The banquet table is set, the candles are lit, and each seat is assigned with a place card. Keep your mind and heart open to Me continually now. For the moment I call out for you, you must have oil in your lamp. Put Me first in all that you do, for I will have no other gods before me. I know that a few of my children have been doubting that they would make the rapture because of recent or past sins. Fret not, for as you ask for forgiveness, you are forgiven immediately. I know the secrets and intent of each and every heart. I know those that are Mine. Salvation and righteousness is a gift from Me, and it cannot be earned. Let no man or woman tell you otherwise. As you live your life to please Me, and love others lavishly, you will be taken up. Hold on to the precious gift that has been given you. Let no one steal your crown. Continue to look up, lift up your heads, for I am prepared to call you up when you least expect it.
My daughter write My words for those with ears to hear. I have given this, My daughter, many messages... some warnings in the past, some she doesn't even remember. Even this, My scribe, is a skeptic. Go back My children, and listen to the messages that I have given this scribe and others. The warnings received through Me will come to pass because much that I have shown has not yet come to pass. Many doubt Me and have settled back into their lives again. I have changed this scribe's heart, but she still doesn't see the writing on the wall. The human mind grapples with Me and My endtime plan. Physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion weigh heavily on the hearts of many of My endtime servants. Do not be saddened or frustrated if this is you. All of My endtime servants will be tested and pushed to their limits, the end of themselves. This is not punishment, but refinement and preparation. Warriors are built up. They were not created as warriors, but created to become warriors. Never become confused over this term "warriors" because My warriors were for Me, Yeshua HaMashiach, and no one else. This message is for you, and you will feel a nudge by My Holy Spirit if you've been chosen for this time of war. What is coming upon your earth is so far beyond what your minds can conceive. There is no way that it can be completely explained to you. It is My promise that all the words in My word will be fulfilled, and that My children who have received Me into their hearts will be prepared, and protected, and powerful beyond their imaginations. This is a time for My warriors to shine. They will not only shine My love and compassion, they will receive My supernatural power beyond their conception. Human words cannot do justice to what is coming, My children. Suffice to say that you must trust in Me. You must not fear and you must enter a place of final preparation. I promise that I will never allow you to be faced by powers greater than what I have imparted to you. Be prepared to witness the supernatural. Be prepared to operate in My supernatural. The enemy cannot thwart My outcome. It has been written in My word and was conceived before time began. Remember fear is not of Me and therefore will not be of you. This is My plan unfolding. It cannot be, and will not be altered by the enemy and his minions. I will search for even the last lost sheep and though the enemy will try to lure them into his snare, he will fail. Keep your eyes open, and your heads held high. Be at attention, My warriors. Let nothing on this earth or in this world be a distraction to you, My loves. My power is yours you will not only survive, but thrive in My promises. I do not come as a Lamb, but as a Lion, and My warriors will be rising up in My power soon, to bring in My harvest. I love you My children, Yeshua HaMashiach.
My precious children as you go about your daily lives you get caught up in the grind of your day to day jobs and problems that face you, sometimes forgetting that I am right there with you as you think to yourself that 'God is too busy to be checking in on me, He has better things to do'. When I said, 'Seek and you shall find, knock and I am there' it is truly that simple. I long for you to look up and say, 'Oh Father! There you are!' and begin to have a conversation with Me like you do with your friends or acquaintances. It is hard to fathom that I can be everywhere at once but I tell you that I am limitless child! I see your every tears and pains that you face upon the earth. Remember that I said I knew you from your mothers womb; set apart, chosen, to do My will. So set aside all your cares and worries of this world and shine your light upon this darkened world with a kind word or a lending hand and use the gifts that I have given each of you, for you are unique in your own way. It won't be long now My beloved children and we will be together for all of eternity as I wash away all the scars and pains of this life as joy and peace envelop you. Behold I come quickly! Are you ready? Yeshua HaMashiach
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before My Holy Throne. My children, My warnings have gone out repeatedly. I have warned and warned for years now, to come to Me and allow Me to transform your lives. Many of you have done this, and for those that have received Me, paradise awaits. For those that continue to reject Me and My truths, you will go down another road. For you, this road will be arduous, but this is the choice that you have made. I am coming in the clouds full of glory and all will know what has taken place. There will be no mistaking it. It will be that powerful. It will be that sudden. For I Am a God of wrath against those that reject Me and mock Me, and I have had My fill of it. The cup of My wrath is filled to overflowing. My messengers have been mocked and made fun of, and I have had enough. Those that love Me will soon see Me and be with Me in My kingdom. For you, your life is just beginning. I love you. Yeshua Hamashiach Godshealer7 Message - Soon you shall sup with Me and drink from the chalice of eternal life1/13/2018
The truth shall not be held hostage. I have empowered you to speak this truth. My Word is alive and finds those that seek it. It has no boundaries. I have called thee to do My good works and you have listened. Lift up thy hands to the heavens; can you not feel My Spirit? I have empowered you to speak My will. Those who know Me will see that what you speak is holy. I Am with you in all that you do. Soon you shall sup with Me and drink from the chalice of eternal life. Revelation 3:20 ”Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.”
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before My Holy throne. My children, many have the expectation that I am not the Soverign God. This means that they think that what I say does not go. This is false. For I Am a Soverign God and My Holy words are true. I Am the ultimate authority. There is no other. No law made by man can surpass My authority. What I say goes. You must realize this. You must lay down your ideas and seek Me and My word for truth. For that is where you will find it, not in the philosophies of man. Man tries to figure Me out intellectually and this cannot be done. For I Am God Almighty and there is none like Me. If you wish to know the real Me, you must seek Me with your whole heart. I have told you this before and it stilI applies. I Am a God of love, I Am a God of miracles, I Am a God of mercy and forgiveness and yes, I Am also a God of wrath. For My wrath will surely be poured out on all those who reject Me and My truths. Make no mistake. My wish is that all would come to Me now and lay down their own preconceived ideas and will. For I Am a God of the greatest miracle in that I came to the earth in the flesh and gave My mortal life for you. I love you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Daughter, it is I - the Lord Jesus - Who speaks to you this day. Write these words for they are true and faithful. Yea, I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. My darling children, I am with you continually - when you are awake and while you are sleeping. My holy angels stand alert around you, standing guard over you. If you could see in the spirit realm, you would be amazed at the number of angels that surround you. Arise early each day and seek Me in private that I will reward you openly. When you seek Me you will find Me there in your midst. When you pray, pray for Jerusalem and the lost souls all over the world. So many of My lost children are in the valley of decision. While you wait for Me, show off your kindness to others who need help for when you do to the least of them, you are doing it to Me. Continue to pray for wisdom, understanding, eyes to see and ears to hear so that you will hear My voice over a stranger's voice. My love, you will be caught up to Me any moment now. It will be a normal day or night which will seem no different from the rest, but that will be the kind of day I will bring you home. This day is kept safe, secret, for only My Father knows. Soon He will say, 'SON, GO GET YOUR BRIDE!' I am your True Love / Your King. You were created for Me. I cannot stop thinking about you and I anxiously await the moment when I can say to you, 'ARISE, MY LOVE, COME AWAY WITH ME!' Heaven awaits you My love / My fair one, and it is beyond your wildest imagination.
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before My Holy throne. My children, many are deceived in the fact that they think that there is no rapture. For there is a catching away and My word clearly indicates this. There is a rapture and then there is My return in My carnal body. There is a distinct difference. I will return in the flesh to stop Armageddon just as My word states. I am leading those who are now ready to go home. Others, that still need additional refinement and will come to Me, will see many terrible things. This must be as they refused to submit to Me now. There is hope and hope is not lost after the rapture. They must find Me quickly and stay under My protective wing. For in My design, I devised a last chance. I am a God of second chances and third and fourth chances and so on. This is because I love My creation that much. Many multitudes will find Me in the days to come, many others will defy Me until their last breath. For this is the choice that I have given them. The rapture is at hand. I have told you this over and over, and those that know Me well, know this. They feel it in their spirits. There is no greater love than the love that I have for My children. For I am God Almighty and indeed there is none like Me. I truly wish that not one perish. I love you. Yeshua Hamashiach
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before My Holy throne. My children, this is the time in which you all have been waiting for. Patiently and at times impatiently. For this is ok, this is part of the process. I will soon stand on the clouds and receive all who have made Me first in their lives. I am a just God, I am a fair God. No one who receives Me yet blasphemes My Name or My Holy Spirit will go at this time. You must come to the end of yourselves. You must lay down your egos and will so that I can reveal My plans to you. It is then that you can come to Me and receive My love for you. Time as you know it is wrapping up quickly. Things are coming together fast. You will see a heartache and then a miracle, the miracle of My return. Things are poised to take place right away, not later down the road. For if I am for you, who can be against you? I am God Almighty and there is none before Me. I love you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Message posted today, but received Dec. 21, 2017 It is I daughter, your Master and your King, He who has formed you, molded you and fashioned you to be emptied and made into a vessel through which I continue to pour out My Heart to My people. The battle intensifies, and as the seals of Revelation are fulfilled before your very eyes, you will understand that the world is on the brink of war. Now that the gates of hell are opened, you will see more and more manifestations of the demonic and men's hearts will fail them at the things coming upon this earth. Terror will begin to reign in regions and not only in the smaller locations as the spirits of darkness are fed by the increasing lawlessness of men's hearts in the lands. As I give men over to the wicked desires of their hearts, all consuming spirits will overtake them and it will appear that all is lost. As I speak these words to you, the evil plots and schemes meant to destroy My people are being unleashed. The time of great darkness has begun, and there will be great lamentation in the whole earth. Men will tremble at what will befall the nations as war and famine and pestilence overtake the lands. My Word is being fulfilled, it will never come back void, and you will see all that has been written as you are in the generation of My return. As your Commander and your Captain My army, I say to you now, in a moments notice that you know not, you will hear My cry to come forth! I have positioned you and trained you in My truth, and you can not falter. My call to each of you individually will be distinguishable and without doubt. You will know My voice above all others for you will know the voice of your Shepherd and King calling you to arms. This is why I have asked you to be as sober minded and focused as you can, removing all distractions now in order that I may give you your personal instructions and counsel. For you see, as chaos and destruction and fear become more and more prevalent, you will only know My peace and My love, as We operate as One heart in overcoming the powers of darkness. There will be false miracles and signs and wonders all around you as the beast system strives to deceive the masses, but My truth in and through you has already prevailed. I too, will give many signs and wonders through My remnant army and this will help save the souls of multitudes whose hearts have waxed cold. Together, We will bring many, many of the lost back into the fold, even through the darkest of times. Ask Me daily to ensure your armor is tightly fastened and continue to immerse yourselves in My River of Life and be fed. I am about to do something you would not believe unless I told you it would be so. Reinforce all you have been taught. Be disciplined and maintain a steadfast and unmovable posture as the great day of the Lord is at hand. Hold fast My men and women of valor, for all you have experienced in your journeys with Me has led up to this moment of now. As My shout goes forth to you, there will not be time to finish what I have asked of you previously. This is of the utmost importance that you understand. Heed My words this day and all will be well with you. To you My men of belief who have been riding the fence and not fully committing yourselves to Me, I have a word for you. Where are you My Kingdom men?? It has been given unto you to be the spiritual authority if you have families and children in your care; if I have not already separated you out for My purposes. The situations with each of you personally are vastly unique and designed by your Creator and I know what your circumstances are, and am leading you. However, many of you men that reside in family situations are not walking in My spiritual authority over your wives and children. You are not leading those in your care, whoever they may be, in My ways. I see everything you do and I listen to all your conversations. You either speak life or speak death. I see where you travel and the places you frequent when you think no one else does. I watch you day and night and I am aware when you operate from your flesh and not your spirits. I hear how you avoid speaking of Me in the public arenas and workplaces for fear of isolation and embarrassment. Do you not know that if you do not confess Me before men, I will not confess you before My Father? You profess Me with your lips in the small and comfortable groups with fellow believers, but fail to acknowledge Me to a dying world. You must repent and immediately change direction or you will not stand with all that is upon you. I have placed My Spirit in your hearts and you know you have been chosen. Stop compromising and playing games and wake up. The world needs My Kingdom men like never before. This is a stern warning to those of you in these positions, who have not taken Me seriously enough and have been slacking in discipline and in your walks with Me. I do not care for your lip service to Me and you will be accountable for spiritually neglecting those I have placed under your care. In this I ask you again, rise to the occasion and stop wasting time as you have been told that time is no more. Put on your armor daily and take responsibility for all I have given you and walk in the purposes I have ordained for you on this earth You who are reading this now know who you are and will be convicted instantly in your spirits as you read and hear these words. This is not the day to choose to ignore My warnings to you to step up to your positions and Kingdom roles. I am pouring out My Spirit as never before so fear not to draw close to Me, and I will hear you and I will answer you. The battalions of hell are coming for you My people, but astonishment will seize the nations as the Kingdom of Heaven is manifested on the earth. The testimony of Me is the spirit of prophecy. Tell all I send to you of Me! My love through you will transform hearts. Hear Me this day! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars and My voice thunders through the very fiber of all created things! YAHUSHUA, YOUR SOON RETURNING KING Luke 21:26King James Version (KJV) 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Matthew 24:12 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Romans 1:24 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Psalm 81:12 12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels. Luke 21:11 11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Isaiah 55:11 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. John 10:27 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 1 Peter 5:8-9 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 2 Thessalonians 2:9 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, Acts 14:3 3 Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 13:41 41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you. Proverbs 18:21 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Isaiah 29:13 13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men Matthew 10:32 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. Psalm 91:15 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. Revelation 19:10 10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Write these words that I say unto thee son. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. There is no other god before my Holy throne. My children, many say that My return is not at hand. This is so far off from the truth. Because they do not understand what I have revealed to them, they think this is so. My timing is now. I have told you this. There is but a window of time left. Do not go about your lives with blinders on thinking that My return is not at hand. Realize that I am coming for those that have been washed by My blood and have made themselves ready. I am coming for My very special bride, the ones that have made Me number one in their lives. This you can be certain of. This you can count on. There is no precedence for this to happen as the rapture of the church has never happened before. But I assure you, I am at the door. I am waiting for My Father's call. Many are still lost and sadly this must be, but I am a God of miracles and miracles they will see. This lost generation will see My hand over them lead them to eternal life with Me. Do not worry for them. For I love them more than you do. For I created each one of them. In Me they will find peace and rest. I love you. Yeshua |
SPREADING THE WORD! A collection of Words from the Lord as given to various end time messengers about the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As always, please pray for discernment. With all the deception and darkness in the world, Find the light in His truth. Jesus is the Voice of Truth! Read His words and let them speak to your heart! JESUS IS COMING! REJOICE! ...for Jesus is coming for His Bride! Our redemption draws near! PRAY! ...for mercy on the world as its judgment is imminent! WATCHING THE SIGNS! Click here to learn more about all the current signs to that point to His coming! Updated: Sept 18, 2024 Archives
September 2024
DREAMS OF HEAVEN "The Nest" (Dreams of Heaven by Sparrowcloud9) Website of a long series of prophetic dreams with Jesus in Heaven. All the dreams are open to public for free viewing from this website. However, the forum there is private for interpretation purposes and requires a membership to enter. The dreams have also been published and are available for purchase on the website as well. Jesus is our Lord & Savior! It's all about Him, and not about us... to God be all the glory for sending us His son Jesus to be OUR EVERYTHING...