My Children, now is a time of great awakening, revival, anointing and out poring of My Holy Spirit. Now you are being infused like never before, and yes the blessings I am bestowing on you are new to you, but are truly of Me. You will hear Me lead you to do things, like calling people and telling them of what you have been receiving. Like sharing the messages I lead you to with others, etc. If you know Me you will feel Me, and know it is I that is leading you. Do not hesitate, do not delay carrying out My will as there is very little time. There are many that are feeling Me, realizing that they are being transformed, as I am transforming all that are mine right now. Some however, are not sure of this new anointing and are shying away from Me and My lead. My Children I love you, and want you all to grow to the fullest, I want none of you to put a limit on the blessing I have for you. My Children the old ways of the church are not going to bring you into your full inhabitance it is only through My Holy Spirit and anointing that this will happen. I want you to go higher, and grow stronger every moment as soon the time to leave will come, and it is not long now. Do not let your own mind make you hesitate or limit Me. There is no limit to My power, Holy Spirit or My anointing on you. Right now you are all in a place of protection and I am working miracles in you and through you all. Rejoice, My Children, as truly the day of your King is here. Soon this time will be over and it is on to the next phase so drink it all in, do not be shy, take it all in. I love you and soon will have you with Me. Do not worry, do not be distressed over anyone or anything as I Am in control and I will protect and take all of you through. Yeshua
My Children, now is a time of great awakening, revival, anointing and out poring of My Holy Spirit. Now you are being infused like never before, and yes the blessings I am bestowing on you are new to you, but are truly of Me. You will hear Me lead you to do things, like calling people and telling them of what you have been receiving. Like sharing the messages I lead you to with others, etc. If you know Me you will feel Me, and know it is I that is leading you. Do not hesitate, do not delay carrying out My will as there is very little time. There are many that are feeling Me, realizing that they are being transformed, as I am transforming all that are mine right now. Some however, are not sure of this new anointing and are shying away from Me and My lead. My Children I love you, and want you all to grow to the fullest, I want none of you to put a limit on the blessing I have for you. My Children the old ways of the church are not going to bring you into your full inhabitance it is only through My Holy Spirit and anointing that this will happen. I want you to go higher, and grow stronger every moment as soon the time to leave will come, and it is not long now. Do not let your own mind make you hesitate or limit Me. There is no limit to My power, Holy Spirit or My anointing on you. Right now you are all in a place of protection and I am working miracles in you and through you all. Rejoice, My Children, as truly the day of your King is here. Soon this time will be over and it is on to the next phase so drink it all in, do not be shy, take it all in. I love you and soon will have you with Me. Do not worry, do not be distressed over anyone or anything as I Am in control and I will protect and take all of you through. Yeshua
This is the time of My coming, it is now upon you. The day of the Lord is upon you, Stay in Me, do not fear as I Am here, and at any moment you will hear Me coming through the clouds there will be thunder and lighting. Do not fear the enemy as he knows his time is short, but I Am in control and My Will, Will Be Done. Yeshua
My Children, you truly are in the eye of the storm. The daughter of Zion is being taught and trained now, and being filled to over flowing. This is My season, and I Am bringing you all through, into My understanding and truth. The understanding that My disciples had in the days that I was among them, and after the Holy Spirit poured out upon them. There are so many that are receiving all that I have for them now... that all of the ways in which they are, cannot be listed here. But know that this is the season of your visitation. Just as Elisha knew the day he was to come to Heaven, know that My truth and understanding is being restored right now. Soon it will be done, as the days to My season are soon to come to pass. You all are being protected from the storm that is being held back, but soon the eye of the storm will pass over and the storm will blow back in... but all that of Mine will be gone. Soon you will all be part of the great falling away, as all things of this world will fall away from you as nothing of it will I take. Soon all will come to My complete understanding, and to the places that I have prepared for them. Worry not about a thing, as I have all in control. I will cover you, I will protect you, and I will continue to pour out My Holy Spirit, wisdom and anointing upon you. You need only open your heart, ears, eyes and minds to Me and let it come in. Yeshua
My bride I know you are anxious waiting for My call. I wait for the appointed time. All must be as it was ordered. I keep My promises. Your wedding garments have been ready. You have made yourself ready. You are My jewel. I am with you always. Remember I speak to you in the night. I know what you have gone through. My Spirit bears witness to the strength in your weakness. Soon it will be remembered no more... the pain, suffering, trials, and tears you shed. I will wrap you in My comforting LIGHT and we will be together for all eternity. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord”
My Children, Do you hear Me, do you hear My call. I Am calling you unto Me, to come up hither, to let Me, take you higher. I Am calling you all, and I will not stop. Do you hear My call? If you do, than why have you not answered, why have you not come running into the Ark? Why are you still deceiving yourselves and staying in the world, and the doctrine of man? There are many that have heard Me, and are warning you. They were put here for this time and they will not stop sounding the alarm of the coming of My Son and telling of My kingdom. They are lucky, you all are lucky that you were chosen to come now as in the days of long ago people would have been found crazy if they said they heard Me, even if it were in dreams. They were even put to death for listening to and following My words, for telling the world what I had told them. Now they speak boldly as they should, as it is Me speaking through them. Do you hear what I hear? It is the voice coming from out of the wilderness warning of My Son’s return, warning that soon the door to the Ark will be closed as there is no more time. My Children, I tell you true, just as the days of Noah when the rain came down there was no warning, it just started to rain, and it was too late for them, for the people of the world as they did not believe, they did not answer My call. They stayed in the world and continued to hold on to their pride, and continued to live under their power and understanding. They refused to see that I Am God, and I Am in charge,, and chose to stay in the world. People of the world take heed, listen all, listen My Children, as this is true. Just as in those days, when My Son comes to take His Children, it will happen in the blink of an eye and I tell you true the sands in the hour glass are almost gone. There is but a grain left, and now is not the time to be outside of Me, you need to board the Ark now. Stop thinking, stop the noise in your head, and listen to My call, as I am calling you all. Most of the time you cannot hear Me because you are too busy talking at Me, or letting the world get in, but if you stop the noise, and quiet your thoughts, you will hear Me. My Children, come to Me, let Me bring you into the Ark, let Me cleans your heart and make it ready to come in. Let Me take you higher than ever before and fill you with My anointing, truth and wisdom. The rain of My Holy Spirit and of My anointing has began, it is pouring on all that will receive it like never before. It is a flood over the whole earth but soon it will stop and My Son will bring you out. So do not fear, board the Ark, let My Holy Spirit fill you, teach you comfort you and wash over you now. Abba
My daughter I am calling on you this day on your calendar 12 25 2016. Prophesy to My called and chosen. You are now able to recognize the others I have chosen. For you each have a special purpose in the glorious Kingdom. You all speak for Me with one and the same Spirit. Trust your discerning in all things. The adversary will speak untruths and send his own in My name and fool those without wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to lead them astray. Remember unless one is humble and contrite, meek without envy, jealousy, causes no strife or discord among his brother's and sisters... if he be proud, arrogant, a liar, a mocker, or scoffer... if he acts as judge over his brothers and sisters, he is not from Me or with Me. Flee from him. For I am gathering together My own on the earth to help and guide each other. My sheep will know each other as they have been called and chosen from the foundation. My Spirit teaches and guides them they follow no earthly man. But together they are My Army of LIght shining brightly in the darkness... speaking, teaching, proclaiming, and announcing as one. Flee from anyone speaking any other Gospel. For I Have not sent them. Be encouraged. I am always with you even until the end.
When you see the darkness approaching, immediately go to your home. Tell your children, wherever they are, to return home. For you will know I have stretched out My Hand over ALL the nations. Lock your door. Lock your windows. Cover them. Let no unfamiliar man enter. Do not leave your home until you see the darkness lift. For those belonging to the light, will see. Those who do not, will not see. Darkness will cover all the lands for 3 days. Then all will know I AM the LORD. I have called many. I have chosen few. My Spirit has been grieved watching the abominations. I love My children, not wanting any to perish. Understand. There is a season for everything. Watch for the darkness that you and your house may be prepared. Consider these words carefully that you do not slumber. For as it was written, it will be done.
My Children, I ask you, are you a child of light or of dark? Soon I will be coming to every one of you, and you will have a choice to make. The choice to follow Me, or stay in the dark. Many have made their choice and have chosen Me, and have been staying in Me and letting Me change them. Letting Me fill them with My anointing oil, letting Me fill them to over flowing. And they along with the ones I choose that will come to Me, will very soon be transformed into beings of light. You will have a new body and My spirit will shine so bright through them, that it will light their way and the way for others to see. My army is mighty and there are many positions to fill. I have been and will continue to bring you where you need to be, to be used as My vessel and be part of My army. It matters not when you came to Me, as I Am God and I will make you ready and use you as I need you, if You let Me. If you choose the light, you choose Me. If you chose the dark you will be left to it, as if you are not for Me than you are against Me. If your choice is Me and My will for you, than there will be much that I will do through you. There are many battles, many wonders, and many jobs that you will be part of and many that will be used. The work ahead is like none that have been done before and I tell you there is nothing to fear, as I will be in you like never before. Trust in Me and My will for you always, and together we will show the world I Am God. Yeshua
I took a nap today and saw a vision of a pair of opened hands with a flame that had a glow that filled the room, then I saw rose in full bloom. I heard “Do you see what I see.” I then asked “Lord what do you see?” and I heard Him say.... I see those that the world thinks are week, meek, and compliant, that the world thinks are but sheep that they will bring to slaughter... but do not see what I see, or know what I know. I see your heart, I see My Spirit within in it, I see the wings of the eagle and hear the roar of the lion. For when My Spirit is in you so is My power. When My Rose, My Loves, My Bride has the flame of My Spirit burning brightly in them there is a glow that shines and fills the earth. I see that My anointing is in her and over flowing. She is growing every moment. She is prepared and is ready, even if she does not see it, I do. I see the crowns that will be placed on her head, and the robes she will wear. I see My will for her being carried out and I see her tall, strong and a glow with My power and releasing it without fear. This light has power as it is My Holy Spirit and carries the powers of Heaven, and nothing can stand against it, although the enemy will try as he knows his time is short. He believes he will win but, we know the end of the story, as it has already been written. Every knee shall bow and every mouth will confess that I Am God. Know that this power is in you and at any time you can call on it, and bind all of satan and hell and loose all of Heaven. As what is bound on earth will be bound in Heaven and what is loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven. This is all true and if it were not, I would tell you. So worry not that I will take you My loves, I will. I will not leave you to the evil of the world, I will take you to the place I have prepared for you. Do not let worry or doubt come between us. Trust that I know your heart better than you as I know all, and I know what I see. I see My bride at the ready for her Groom to bring her to the wedding. I see the wise virgins full of oil with their lamp wicks trimmed at the ready. I also see the unwise virgins that are still clinging to the world and I pray you now, come into Me now... and let Me fill your oil so you too can join the wedding supper of the Lamb. Yeshua
At the mid day hour the sky will become dark. There will be an earthquake so great. Those that do not feel the earth tremble, will feel their Spirit tremble. Yes this is the hour My trumpet will blow. I will call with a shout the unbelievers will not hear. A loud rumbling will cover the land. The graves will open. Those asleep will hear and rise. My sheep hear My voice. You will have no time to prepare. For when the dead rise, they will be seen. Those that remain will be changed. This is the time My children are praying for. You child, will be called up and will meet us in the clouds. I will give you understanding this day. Your fellow servants also will know of this event. My Spirit will comfort you through these last hours. Do not be afraid. My gospel is being preached to all the world so all may know the good news and know I will return. As it is written, so let it be done.
When I knocked, you opened the door. When I called, you answered. When I explained the job, you accepted. I told you of the consequences, you agreed. I said you will be laughed at, ridiculed, abandoned by friends and family. Those that love you, will leave you. You will be persecuted. You will be rejected. You will be afflicted. You will be tested. You will be tried. You will be alone. All these things you can expect from your fellow man. When you walk on this path with Me your life will be turned upside down. You will be hated all. These things I told you and they happened, and yet you never raised your voice to Me. I heard you singing and praising My name as you prayed. Yes I heard this. I heard you thank Me for your pain, afflication, and suffering. Yet through all this, you continue in My servitude. I heard you whisper in the night, Lord I will speak for you with My last breath and continue for you until My life has left Me. Yes you belong to Me. I laid down My life for you. I know you will lay down your life for Me. This is the reason I made you and placed you in your mother's womb. Right now My Spirit is manifest in all you do. So by seeing you, they see Me. There is no greater love, than the love I have for you. Do not be discouraged by people of the world. They will have their reward, for worldly things. All this will pass away, but My love will endure for all eternity. You will be with Me in My Father's house. All is prepared. As it was written, so shall it be. Eternal life, My promise. I am coming for you. Make yourself ready.
We will dance very soon My Love, under the moonlight with twinkling stars and with the wave of My hand, I can make it snow the biggest snowflakes while we dance, and you will be warm and safe in My arms! These beautiful times together are coming! Don’t lose heart! But first, there is much to do. The war is raging in Heaven and soon will manifest in the physical on Earth! My warriors will go out and save many. I assure you time is short and all of this will kick off suddenly. Everything is about to change, including you! But for you and your friends the change will be glorious! I have My Own protected and strategically placed for their Kingdom assignments. Your transformation is just not about you, but what you need to accomplish while changed. Do you understand? Your transformation is so you can accomplish your Kingdom missions. I know you have heard, “Now”, “Soon”, “The time is upon you”, but I say it is! Don’t give up watching every moment for it will happen suddenly and in the blink of an eye! My Love, I see every tear that falls, every sad child, every heart break, every type of despair, and I feel it in My heart for the entire world! But I AM the greatest rescue mission the world will ever know! Soon every child will be safe in My arms! But many will remain to endure the horrors that are coming upon the earth. This is why My Mission is critical now to send out My Warriors into the harvest fields. You know not what field I will send you to, but you will be perfectly trained for a successful mission! I am your Warrior King and your Commander. I command the massive Heavenly Army! Be assured We win and everything will go according to My plan. I am the Master Strategist. Not one of My Children will be Left Behind. You don’t have to understand the entire plan but only be ready as an empty vessel to be used to fulfill your Kingdom assignment. Eyes on Me, My Love! It will happen soon and you will be overjoyed! 1 Corinthians 15:52 “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” Luke 21:36 “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." Psalm 34:17-18 “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Matthew 13:30 “Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather you together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into My barn.” Exodus 3:15 “The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is His name.” NOTE: The Lord instructed me to repost this message from Dec 5, 2015 along with this one from today! Your King Is Come - Message posted Dec 5, 2015 I do hear your prayers My love, and I am always working things for your good. Count your trials as blessings for they prepare you for your Heavenly service. Your King is come – He is with you now, although you cannot see Me through the veil. I am near enough for you to reach out and touch Me for I walk among you…My Bride. She is so beautiful and radiant. (I saw a path lined with sparkling lights here) You will light the way home for many My love as My glory consumes you and transforms you. You will be who I created you to be. Perfect in every way and pleasing to the King of Kings. My Love, the Festival of Lights is almost upon us . Do you know what this means? The Miracle of Lights! I love you My child, My darling, My sweet Bride! You are almost home! |
SPREADING THE WORD! A collection of Words from the Lord as given to various end time messengers about the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As always, please pray for discernment. With all the deception and darkness in the world, Find the light in His truth. Jesus is the Voice of Truth! Read His words and let them speak to your heart! JESUS IS COMING! REJOICE! ...for Jesus is coming for His Bride! Our redemption draws near! PRAY! ...for mercy on the world as its judgment is imminent! WATCHING THE SIGNS! Click here to learn more about all the current signs to that point to His coming! Updated: Sept 18, 2024 Archives
September 2024
DREAMS OF HEAVEN "The Nest" (Dreams of Heaven by Sparrowcloud9) Website of a long series of prophetic dreams with Jesus in Heaven. All the dreams are open to public for free viewing from this website. However, the forum there is private for interpretation purposes and requires a membership to enter. The dreams have also been published and are available for purchase on the website as well. Jesus is our Lord & Savior! It's all about Him, and not about us... to God be all the glory for sending us His son Jesus to be OUR EVERYTHING...