Army of Light, you have been FAITHFUL to FOLLOW Me into FIERCE BATTLES, and you have REFUSED to give in to the GIANTS of FEAR, DESPAIR, and UNBELIEF. You have continued to THROW THE STONES of My PROMISES at the LIES they spew out, and you have REFUSED TO BACK DOWN in the face of their THREATS, and you have HELD the GROUND of FAITH and HOPE in Me. Well done! Heaven is APPLAUDING you and CHEERING you on to a VICTORIOUS ending. As the camp of the enemy grows more and more DESPERATE, they are FLINGING out every EVIL SCHEME they've ever thought of. These are the days of 'WHACK-A-MOLE, and you are called to BASH every attempt that appears and to PREEMPTIVELY BASH those they are planning on releasing. Remember to STOMP on their plans, TURN THEM BACK into their faces, RELEASE EXPOSURE of their plans, and JUDGMENT and JUSTICE to MOW THEM DOWN. This is no time to get DISCOURAGED or OVERWHELMED. That is why I CONTINUALLY DRAW you to My HEART to be STRENGTHENED and given My PERSPECTIVE on what you see taking place. Also, remember that much is taking place BEHIND THE SCENES, as WHISTLEBLOWERS testimonies are being taken in SECRET to PROTECT them, but what they EXPOSE will be brought before the world AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME. Stand strong, Army! STICK WITH ME-IT'S ABOUT TO GET GOOD!
Army of Light, you have been FAITHFUL to FOLLOW Me into FIERCE BATTLES, and you have REFUSED to give in to the GIANTS of FEAR, DESPAIR, and UNBELIEF. You have continued to THROW THE STONES of My PROMISES at the LIES they spew out, and you have REFUSED TO BACK DOWN in the face of their THREATS, and you have HELD the GROUND of FAITH and HOPE in Me. Well done! Heaven is APPLAUDING you and CHEERING you on to a VICTORIOUS ending. As the camp of the enemy grows more and more DESPERATE, they are FLINGING out every EVIL SCHEME they've ever thought of. These are the days of 'WHACK-A-MOLE, and you are called to BASH every attempt that appears and to PREEMPTIVELY BASH those they are planning on releasing. Remember to STOMP on their plans, TURN THEM BACK into their faces, RELEASE EXPOSURE of their plans, and JUDGMENT and JUSTICE to MOW THEM DOWN. This is no time to get DISCOURAGED or OVERWHELMED. That is why I CONTINUALLY DRAW you to My HEART to be STRENGTHENED and given My PERSPECTIVE on what you see taking place. Also, remember that much is taking place BEHIND THE SCENES, as WHISTLEBLOWERS testimonies are being taken in SECRET to PROTECT them, but what they EXPOSE will be brought before the world AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME. Stand strong, Army! STICK WITH ME-IT'S ABOUT TO GET GOOD!
NOTHING will change the fact that I have DECLARED this as a HARVEST SEASON. Everyone on the earth will be REAPING what they have sown. You either sow to FAITH in Me and My promises or you sow to faith in MAN or you sow to PARTNERING WITH DARKNESS. Those who sow to FAITH in Me and My promises will RECEIVE A GREAT REWARD. I want to remind you of this and to URGE you NOT TO GIVE UP on My promises coming to pass, even though the wait has been long in your eyes. If you do not FAINT or FALL BACK in believing who I AM and what I have SPOKEN through a multitude of prophetic voices, you will receive A REWARD beyond what you can IMAGINE. To those who have put their faith in MAN and POLITICAL systems to save your Nation, you will come to realize the THREAT facing you is MUCH BIGGER than any man can fix or solve. When you see Me RESCUE your Land, you will realize you MISSED OUT on TRUSTING Me and receiving the REWARDS. This will cause you a measure of SORROW, but I will be quick to FORGIVE you if you REPENT and TURN to Me, and I will become a God of RESTORATION to you. To those partnered with DARKNESS, DECEIT, and DESTRUCTION, you will REAP only SORROW, LOSS, JUDGMENT, and JUSTICE. A DARK HARVEST is a BITTER harvest filled with REGRET and ANGER. This is not My desire for anyone, but I have given you the POWER of CHOICE. CHOOSE WISELY, My Army of Light, and STAND STRONG with Me. It will be My GREAT DELIGHT to REWARD your HARVEST of FAITH. Let My LOVE fill your heart, STABILIZING your emotions, and GIVING you eyes to see a GOOD FUTURE, anchored in My PROMISES. Choose A HARVEST OF REWARD. Psalm 98:9 Look! Here He comes! The Lord and Judge of all the earth! He's coming to make things right and to do it fair and square. And everyone will see that He does all things well!" I understand that it is DIFFICULT for you as you WAIT FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP. I have PROMISED you the SHOE DROP of the FULL DISCLOSURE of EVIL and CORRUPTION, and you have seen SIGNS of the FALL coming, but not in the FULNESS and FINALITY that I have promised. Know that the Holy Spirit is always available to COMFORT you in this time of WAITING and HOPING. Allow Holy Spirit to pour the WARM OIL OF COMFORT on your heart and then ask that your heart would be RE-ALIGNED with My heart and purposes because then you are STRONG and your FAITH will hold STEADY until you see THE OTHER SHOE DROP. Also know that the darkness FEARS the OTHER SHOE DROPPING, and they are SCRAMBLING to PREVENT this. They are not just dealing with DEFERRED HOPE, they are awaiting SUDDEN DOOM. The PRESSURE of waiting is producing DESPERATION in them, as they FRANTICALLY try to GUESS when THE SHOE COULD DROP. They are being CONSUMED with how to save themselves, and this is WEAKENING them and their plans. As you wait FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP, SHOUT My PRAISES LOUDER and CELEBRATE the One who came to LIVE for you, to DIE for you, and to DELIVER you out of the darkness and into the LIGHT of My presence. Just as My Son came long ago to RESCUE you for eternity, so I will be just as FAITHFUL to RESCUE your Nation from this PRESENT EVIL THREAT. That OTHER SHOE WILL DROP, and everything will change-from DARK to LIGHT.
Message received Dec 23, 2022
Stay with Me, Army of Light, as we PLOW through these FINAL days of FIERCE battle. Stay CONNECTED with My PRESENCE all through your day and night by ACKNOWLEDGING I AM there, that I AM your STRENGTH, and that I have PROMISED you the VICTORY. Together, we are going to PRESS IN, PRESS ON, and PRESS THROUGH until you see the DAWNING of a NEW DAY. Do not BACK OFF or RUN from the battle PRESS into the fight. I AM by your side and so are My MIGHTY FIGHTING HOST. Do not be FOOLED by the enemy's INTIMIDATION because we are a POWERFUL marching force that makes the EARTH SHAKE as we go forward and PRESS ON THROUGH the enemy's troops who have been knocked OFF BALANCE by our forceful marching. They are PERPLEXED and SHAKEN because we are PRESSING ON THROUGH their ranks. As we PRESS ON through their SHAKEN and DIVIDED troops, we will secure a major VICTORY and OVERTHROW of the darkness. A SIGN of this victory will be when your rightful leader is RESTORED, but many other victories will be accomplished against their DEEP and DARK AGENDA. As you move into your new year, there will still be BATTLES, but they will not be this INTENSE, and you will have times of deep REST and RESTORATION. When you face battles in this coming year, they will be DIFFERENT because you will be FIGHTING FROM MAJOR VICTORIES and with much GREATER CONFIDENCE in My POWER and in My PROMISES FULFILLED. My beautiful Children, PRESS IN, PRESS ON, and PRESS THROUGH to STUNNING victories and great REWARDS. Message received Dec 20, 2022
PSALM 77:15a 'By Your glory bursts, You've rescued us over and over! (TPT).. “In their ARROGANCE, your enemies think they have WON. They think they are going to be successful in BRINGING DOWN your rightful leader using their CORRUPT SYSTEMS to accomplish this. After he is out of the way, they plan to launch DARK and DESTRUCTIVE schemes in order to bring your Nation DOWN and under their greedy, grasping CONTROL. BUT WAIT! Am I standing by with no plan to SAVE you? OH, NO! You are going to see My GLORY BURSTS light up the deep darkness EXPOSING all their CORRUPTION and hidden PERVERSION. I AM about to SHOW UP and SHOW OFF for you, My people, and to reveal My SUPERIOR POWER and GLORY to your enemies." PSALM 77:18, 19 'Rolling whirlwinds exploded with sonic booms of thunder, rumbling as the skies shouted out Your story with light and sound and wind. Everything on earth shook and trembled as You drew near. Your steps formed a highway through the seas with footprints on a pathway no one even knew was there!' (ТРТ) "I have allowed the corruption and perversion of the darkness to OVER-RIPEN until it is a STINKING and PUTRID mess of evil that will DISGUST the peoples of the nations when it is revealed by My LIGHT and SOUND and WIND. Then, I will lead you out on a PATHWAY NO ONE KNEW WAS THERE. Just remember that as the darkness SEEMS to be even darker that My GLORY BURSTS will show up for all the world to see. I AM the God of GLORY, and My GLORY OVERPOWERS everything of darliness. Get ready to see My GLORY BURSTS!" Message received Dec 19, 2022
Stay with Me, Army of Light, as we PLOW through these FINAL days of FIERCE battle. Stay CONNECTED with My PRESENCE all through your day and night by ACKNOWLEDGING I AM there, that I AM your STRENGTH, and that I have PROMISED you the VICTORY. Together, we are going to PRESS IN, PRESS ON, and PRESS THROUGH until you see the DAWNING of a NEW DAY. Do not BACK OFF or RUN from the battle PRESS into the fight. I AM by your side and so are My MIGHTY FIGHTING HOST. Do not be FOOLED by the enemy's INTIMIDATION because we are a POWERFUL marching force that makes the EARTH SHAKE as we go forward and PRESS ON THROUGH the enemy's troops who have been knocked OFF BALANCE by our forceful marching. They are PERPLEXED and SHAKEN because we are PRESSING ON THROUGH their ranks. As we PRESS ON through their SHAKEN and DIVIDED troops, we will secure a major VICTORY and OVERTHROW of the darkness. A SIGN of this victory will be when your rightful leader is RESTORED, but many other victories will be accomplished against their DEEP and DARK AGENDA. As you move into your new year, there will still be BATTLES, but they will not be this INTENSE, and you will have times of deep REST and RESTORATION. When you face battles in this coming year, they will be DIFFERENT because you will be FIGHTING FROM MAJOR VICTORIES and with much GREATER CONFIDENCE in My POWER and in My PROMISES FULFILLED. My beautiful Children, PRESS IN, PRESS ON, and PRESS THROUGH to STUNNING victories and great REWARDS. This EPIC WAR that you are fighting for the LIFE of your Nation and for your FREEDOM has been a HIDDEN war. The battles are not out in the OPEN with troops and tanks, but it has been a war FOUGHT IN THE SHADOWS of HIDDEN meetings where arrogant, evil people planned your DESTRUCTION. The BATTLEFIELD has been the MINDS and HEARTS of a people. Who will they BELIEVE? Who will they SERVE? In the SHADOWS, LIES were concocted to FEED the people through the LYING media and the CORRUPT leaders that had TAKEN OVER CONTROL of all areas of your society. I AWAKENED My Remnant to what was happening in the SHADOWS, and I showed them how your FREEDOMS were slowly being CHOKED OUT and STOLEN. You, My Remnant, have GROWN to be My Army of Light, and by FAITH, you have joined Me on the battlefield fighting this HIDDEN, ENCROACHING enemy. You have fought by Me side despite others' DISBELIEF and the enemy's MOCKING VOICE taunting you to GIVE UP and to not BELIEVE Me. This has been the most DIFFICULT season of your life with CONTINUAL BATTLES and with very little VISIBLE results. You have CONTINUED to TRUST Me and to place your HOPE in My PROMISES-it has not been easy, but I t has resulted in you becoming a DANGEROUS WEAPON against the darkness and a TRUE Son or Daughter of My heart. Your FAITH, your PERSEVERANCE, your COURAGE are going to be REWARDED by a SOARING VICTORY! It is going to be a CELEBRATION of your FAITH, My POWER to DELIVER, and GREAT REWARDS to My faithful ones. It will all be worth it when you experience My SOARING VICTORY!
Tomorrow begins a new month for you. A month that you have chosen to CELEBRATE the LIGHT OF THE WORLD coming to the earth. His coming CHANGED the course of history, and it CHANGED your life. When you SURRENDERED your life to Jesus and accepted His SACRIFICE for your sins, you TURNED THE PAGE and began a NEW LIFE. Such a SEASON is now upon your Nation. It is time for your Land to TURN THE PAGE and to be brought BACK TO LIFE, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Keep in mind that when Jesus came to earth, there was a DEATH before the RESURRECTION could happen. The MESS your Nation is in due to EVIL LEADERS and BLINDED eyes and STOPPED-UP ears of the people, seems BEYOND REPAIR. But God! I have promised a MIRACULOUS RESURRECTION for your Nation, and so it shall be brought BACK TO LIFE, FREEDOM, and ABUNDANCE. Your enemies will lay on the ground, TRAMPLED by your feet of VICTORY. Tomorrow I want you to TURN THE PAGE and begin declaring, 'This is a season of NEW LIFE and LIGHT for My Nation!' Let the NEW STORY begin for your Land.
Keep as a WELL-GUARDED TREASURE in your heart My promise of a GOOD future for you and for your WAR-TORN Nation. I have invited you to see ahead to a future of BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING. I'm not promising you a perfect life-you are still living in a sin-affected world-, but I AM promising you a future where the DEATH-GRIP of the evil empire has been BROKEN, their schemes brought to the LIGHT, and their power structure DEMOLISHED. The CHOICE will still be yours to EMBRACE the future of BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING or to go your own STUBBORN way that will cause you to live in LACK, even in the midst of the ABUNDANCE I AM restoring to you. These next few weeks will present you with some CHALLENGES to this bright future that I have forecast for you. As DARK SCHEMES and DESPERATE ATTEMPTS are made by the darkness to bring death and destruction, keep this promise of a future of BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING firmly FIXED in your mind and heart. Be UNSHAKEABLE in your faith in Me. Use the BATTLE STRATEGIES I have given you for DEFLECTING and DEFUSING the enemy's schemes. Know that these last desperate attempts will serve to completely UNMASK and EXPOSE those of darkened hearts. Your EFFECTIVE prayers and actions, joined with the POWER of My Host, will result in the DESTRUCTION OF THE DESTROYERS. As their camp is PLUNDERED, you will move into a season of REBUILDING with your RIGHTFUL leaders and a time of BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING.
message received - Nov 26. 2022
There has been a lot of speculation about a COMING TIME OF DARKNESS. I AM calling it A TIME OF DARKNESS because it will be a time of INTENSE EXPOSURE of those partnered with darkness and all of their evil DEEDS and PLANS. Looking directly at the UNCOVERING of such GROSS EVIL Will cause A SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS, as people PROCESS with fear and trembling at how DECEIVED they were and at how CLOSE they came to LOSING their Nation and their FREEDOM. It will be a short time of CANCELING out the voices that are SPREADING LIES and DISINFORMATION so that people only hear the TRUTH that I AM revealing. There is no need to fear this SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS because I AM using it to AWAKEN the sleepers and to bring the TRUTH about who is serving DARKNESS and who is serving LIGHT. You'll be SAFE, you'll be KEPT in Me; and your job will be to HELP the startled-awake to PROCESS the EXPOSED DARKNESS and to SHOW them My PLANS for JUDGMENT, JUSTICE, and a PROMISED RESTORATION. A SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS WilI YIELD an amazing season of LIGHT, GROWTH, and FREEDOM. Faithful Warriors, it is now time for a WATCH PARTY. It is time to WATCH THEM FALL. The APPOINTED SEASON OF JUDGMENT is here, and you will see the ones given over to darkness FALL, FALL, FALL. One after another, these FORMIDABLE foes will be BROUGHT DOWN by EXPOSURES, UNEXPECTED FALLS, and SUDDEN DEATH. As one after another of these CORRUPT leaders FALL, an AWAKENING will dawn among the people that My SOVEREIGN HAND is behind this CRUSHING of dark people and their destructive agendas. The season of Fall is accomplishing its purpose of STRIPPING the trees of their leaves. Now you will see this happen among those given to evil-they will be STRIPPED of their POSITIONS, their WEALTH, their FREEDOM, and some, their LIVES. The Winter will finally settle into QUIET AWE and a BLESSED PEACE, as this Nation is brought into UNITY and UNION. The Spring will bring NEW LIFE, NEW ORDER, NEW ABUNDANCE, and NEW PURPOSE for a REBORN Nation founded on My JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and DEEP LOVE. The FALL of the Fall, the Winter of HOPE, and the Spring of PROMISE FULFILLED will play out before your thankful eyes. Support My plans in prayer and REJOICE, REJOICE, REJOICE!
I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I AM UPROOTING THE EVIL STRONGHOLDS in your Nation, both in the spiritual and the natural realms. As the roots are RIPPED OUT of the ground, the STRUCTURES and SYSTEMS of darkness will CRUMBLE and FALL. Your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS are partnering with Me and bringing about THE UPROOTING AND THE DOWNFALL OF THE EVIL EMPIRE. Your partnering with Me also ACTIVATES My HOST to perform My WILL and My PLANS. Even now, STRUCTURES and SYSTEMS of evil are SHAKING LOOSE from ancient, dark foundations; they are beginning to IMPLODE from the CONFUSION and PANIC being sent into their midst; and very soon, even My SLIGHTEST BREATH will TOPPLE them, and they will come CRASHING DOWN. Join Me in a PROPHETIC ACT of BLOWING on these dark STRUCTURES and SYSTEMS, and, together, we will watch the EVIL EMPIRE COME CRASHING DOWN. After the UPROOTING and the TEARING DOWN, will come a season of REBUILDING on My JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Be FAITHFUL as a citizen of this earthly Nation to vote for righteous leaders, but do not DEPEND on this as the TOTAL SOLUTION to the EVIL you're dealing with. I will act ABOVE AND BEYOND man's systems of government to bring back your RIGHTFUL leader and all others who were ROBBED of their positions. Only I can UNTANGLE such a WICKED WEB OF DECEPTION and STEALING with a SINGLE, POWERFUL ACT from My hand. People will say, 'It's a miracle! Only God could do this!' These are the days of THE UPROOTING AND THE DOWNFALL OF THE EVIL EMPIRE.
Message received - Nov 3, 2022
I AM the MIGHTY ONE WHO HAS COME TO SAVE YOU and your Nation. I AM FAITHFUL and TRUE, and I KEEP My promises. The battle has been HARD, the WAIT for justice has been LONG, but when I show up with My SWEEPING RESCUE OPERATION, it will SHAKE the evil from their positions of STOLEN POWER and everyone of My promises that I have spoken to you and you have shared will be VINDICATED. As I bring DOWN evil and RESTORE righteousness and justice, you will say, 'HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE, HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE!' As the darkness falls before My MIGHTY POWER, My LIGHT will flood this Land bringing AWAKENING and TRUTH to many. Be ready to FORGIVE them for their REFUSAL to hear the truth from you, and FREE your heart of OFFENSE so that I can ESTABLISH a beautiful UNITY, as I call you to REBUILD TOGETHER. Not only am I MIGHTY TO SAVE, I supply ABUNDANT GRACE to your heart so that you can FORGIVE, just as you have been forgiven. As you leave the past BEHIND and STEP INTO My future with your recently-awakened brothers and sisters, the REBUILDING of your Nation will be STRONG and BEAUTIFUL. MIGHTY IS THE ONE WHO HAS COME TO SAVE YOU. PSALM 33:22 Let Your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually, for we trust and we wait upon You. Heaven's RESCUE OPERATION has been planned to cause the least harm and disruption to the people. Your Military have adopted Heaven's plan, and their plans to FREE your Land of CORRUPT and EVIL SCHEMERS will be designed to cause the least collateral damage. The combined Heavenly RESCUE OPERATION and the Military FREEDOM PLAN will be launched UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS. Realize that the darkness DOES NOT belong to the enemy-he uses it, but he does not own it. He has PERVERTED the darkness and used it to HIDE or to DISGUISE his evil, ugly deeds. I AM TURNING THE TABLES on him, and I will TAKE BACK the darkness and use it to DEFEAT him and those partnered with him. UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS, I will EXECUTE a SWEEPING CHANGE for your Land. When day dawns, evil will have been REMOVED, and MY CHOICE of leaders put into place. Once the ROUNDUP of the KINGPINS and those FINANCING and SPONSORING the evil has taken place UNDER COVER OF DARKNESS, the rest of the RESCUE OPERATION can take place in the SIGHT OF ALL, as the evil ones' POWER will have been NULLIFIED. When you cannot see what is taking place UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS, TRUST My GOODNESS and My POWER to save and preserve you and your Nation. No freaking out, Army of Light! The DARKNESS and the LIGHT are alike to Me, and I will use them both to RESCUE a Nation and to RESTORE FREEDOM and JUSTICE. DARK TO LIGHT will take on a fuller meaning.
Message received - Nov 1, 2022
My LIGHT is steadily GROWING in your Nation. It is GROWING in your own HEARTS, and it is GROWING in the PUBLIC consciousness as people are AWAKENED and EMBOLDENED by My Spirit of Truth to RISE UP against the darkness. As My LIGHT GROWS in your Land, it CONTRASTS SHARPLY with the deep darkness that I AM UNCOVERING. What has been HIDDEN and MASKED as ‘good' is now being shown as the darkness it is because the LIGHT IS GROWING BRIGHTER all around it. Apply this to your own hearts and allow My Spirit to SEARCH out any darkness or shadows that need to be CONFESSED, CLEANSED, and HEALED. Welcome My GROWING LIGHT into your Nation-into every area of society where darkness has ruled through LIES and INTIMIDATION. I AM preparing the way for the SEASON OF LIGHT when you celebrate My Son coming to the earth. As deep darkness is UNCOVERED this month, My GROWING LIGHT in you and in your Nation will be a BEAUTIFUL CONTRAST and will draw many to My KINGDOM OF LIGHT. SHINE for Me. BATTLE in the present, but let your spirit LIVE IN THE FUTURE OF MY GROWING LIGHT, and watch your Nation be TRANSFORMED. ISAIAH 60:1 Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! MATTHEW 5:14 Your lives light up the world. For how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? |
SPREADING THE WORD! A collection of Words from the Lord as given to various end time messengers about the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As always, please pray for discernment. With all the deception and darkness in the world, Find the light in His truth. Jesus is the Voice of Truth! Read His words and let them speak to your heart! JESUS IS COMING! REJOICE! ...for Jesus is coming for His Bride! Our redemption draws near! PRAY! ...for mercy on the world as its judgment is imminent! WATCHING THE SIGNS! Click here to learn more about all the current signs to that point to His coming! Updated: Sept 18, 2024 Archives
September 2024
DREAMS OF HEAVEN "The Nest" (Dreams of Heaven by Sparrowcloud9) Website of a long series of prophetic dreams with Jesus in Heaven. All the dreams are open to public for free viewing from this website. However, the forum there is private for interpretation purposes and requires a membership to enter. The dreams have also been published and are available for purchase on the website as well. Jesus is our Lord & Savior! It's all about Him, and not about us... to God be all the glory for sending us His son Jesus to be OUR EVERYTHING...