I am going to do something for you that you have not expected. I am going to set you free from the stronghold of religion. I am going to break the bands and set you at liberty. This is the last straw!
I am moving in to break those ties and move you into a new place in My kingdom. No longer shall the religious establishment put a stop to the move of My Spirit! No longer will it be able to hold back those of My choosing! I shall break the ties with religious traditions of men and set you free!
Great is the power of My Spirit at work to break down the hierarchical rule of men. Great is My wisdom to disband those who alleged to undermine My purposes. I am coming in power to dethrone kings and destroy their kingdoms, but also to raise up those of My own who are faithful to the call to run with the mandate to deliver the message of the Lord to this generation.
Once again there remains a generation of vipers in religious sects. Once again, as in days of old, the spirit of Pharisaical rule has permeated the church, but I am taking action and bombarding the religious systems of men to expose the root. Once again I am sending a witness against the workers of iniquity in religious circles. Once again, as in days of old, I am sending My Son, those in His likeness, who will demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God in the midst of the people and gather those whose hearts truly seek Me, into the Way of Truth.
I will uncover layer after layer of evidence against those who claim to know Me but have no understanding and it will be made manifest that I have come to separate the sheep from the goats, that I have drawn a line of demarcation.
So give to Me your whole heart. Let Me lead you. Give to Me your whole life, and a burning candle you will be. A light that is set upon a hill for all to see, this is what you will become if you put your trust in Me. Many travel near and far to find the place of rest. Many look high and low for the place that is the best. But you will find Me in the Secret Place away from the bustle of life, for I come in the quietness to give you abundant life. Take the flame that I have lit and cause it to burn bright. Do not be swayed by men, but look to the Son for life. He is your source to which none can compare. He is Lord of life and His is the King of Kings. He alone is the Morning star, the One who reigns in all of life!
Jesus is Lord. Jesus reigns. Jesus came to give His life for those who call upon His name, so come into His place of change. And change is coming to those who have faithfully sought Me. I will change the way they think, the way the act, the way they feel, and even the way they look! and I will change circumstances around them. I will completely transform them from the inside out, removing lack of faith and doubt. I will take their lowly bodies and make a spectacle of My glory in the Earth through vessels of clay.
I will triumph in this day! I will give back what the enemy has stolen and I shall make a way and direct your path up the mountain of the Lord. Hear Me this day. Follow My instruction and do not give in to the wicked. Shine forth the light I have put within you for all to see. Be a light on a hill that gives direction to those in darkness and never let the fire be doused out. Rejoice in this day because it is the day of release from Earthly entanglements into the freedom and liberty in Christ.
"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." — Colossians 2:8
"This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.' — Matthew 15:8-9
"You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men. — Mark 7:8